Sunday, February 14, 2010

I am so TIRED

My life is incredibly busy right now. I wish I had more time to do the things I love right now. Notice how many people, when asked how things are going, we will say, "I'm tired." Or "I'm really tired." Or "Things are crazy busy and I'm a little tired." Or "I've never been so tired." 

People thought that I´m so strong, a woman, who always stayed cool in front of high-low life. How am I supposed to be a strong woman (*girl maybe).. I´d my best. always. Never think about giving up. And never think about to be strong too.. I  realized it much. It makes me sick sometimes, when I see my strong´s face. They doesn´t know, I always cry when I walked alone around in the middle of somewhere. I am strong. But I´m to tired to be strong. So I really know now, I´m not strong enough...  *_*


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