Monday, October 25, 2010


Just another Saturday Night for us to do our relationship normal activity. Hari ini kami berencana untuk Dinner di Indischetafel, cafe nuansa jaman Belanda dulu, di Jl. Sumatra, Bandung. Padahal saya sempet ngambek ke Doi gara-gara udah duluan ketempat ini tanpa saya..haha (ababil bgt deh). But it's OK. ^.^

Sebelum memesan, terlebih dahulu(karna saya jurig foto) tanya ke si mas here camera allowed or not..dan ternyata boleeeeh looh..hehehehee

Jendela nya ber-pattern kotak-kotak orange ijo coklat. Gorden merahnya matching sama jendelanya.

The Grand Mirror di Ruang Tengah, dari situ terpantul nuansa ruangannya.
Motif lantainya, Lampu, Lukisan,semua properti baheula..
eh, ada ruangan special keluarganya juga loh. oke bgt laah.

Piringan Hitam, the most eye catching-nya pa2 (baca:pacar)
p.s. minta difotoin si mas waiter nya.
p.s.s. I'm wearing my fav MNG overall..yuhu!

so we choosed to sit on Sofa,,more comfy and relax.

Chicken Maryland, Chicken Cordon Blue, Hollandische Mint, & Amsterdam Blend

When someone said that I ordered always euroean food in every Resto, and asked don't you get bored of these Menu ? -so that's my Point! sometimes that is a Passion to taste all european food in a whole world. *too much.hahaha
But don't worried, I still love Indonesian Food. It's the best! :p

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