Scrabble-ing Time! It is My Boyf. and my current favourite Game... Just play and arrange the words then count their scores.. Love it ^___^

Ver. 1 in English

Ver. 2 in Bahasa
Anyway.. I bought some Stuffs few days ago in any Department Stores.. Well, actually I have to buy a Moeslem Clothes for Idul Fitri Day, the celebrating Day after 1 full months fasting, but bought a Party dress first and the Moeslem Clothes later! haha.. (I will buy it in White, just like every year I did) :D

Night Gawn from Centro Dep.Store, Plaza Semanggi..

Black 5cm heels from Metro Dep.Store, Pondok Indah Mall

Black Leather Bag from Prada

Keychain from Japan

Red Lipstick Nr. 11 MAC

Cutie,name Kitten, 3 years old.. ^___^

Well, I have to go back to Bandung because I still have Classes until next week.. See you soon, Jakarta, I'll home again next week... *Kisskiss